
In order to prioritize a training that is customized to the needs of the community, MIU proposes more than 143 degrees in different domains such as Arts, Letters, Languages, Human and Social Sciences, Law, Economics, Management, Sciences, Technology, Health

Each programme indicates the courses and training activities that each student should follow to be awarded a certain degree by the end.  Each programme has objectives in terms of skills and competences that the would-be graduate should have acquired by the end of the training.  The University programmes are elaborated within academic and pedagogic norms which autonomies the student by the end.   The Degrees (UTD, Licences, Masters, Ingineering Degrees, Doctorates and Certificates) offered by the 08 Schools of the MIU to the would-be students are presented in the menu displayed below.

This programme is elaborate for training purposes and it integrates the various university degrees.  This also means that Certificates and Attestations, given as in-service training, are adapted and dedicated to adults who are engaged in the socio-professional live.

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