The International Conference on New Technologies, Innovation and Information Systems (CINTISI'20) is a congress that will be held on April 15-16,...
The first international Conference on Smart Information & Communication Technologies (SmartICT’19) will be held at Be Live Collection Sa&ium...
The tax has always been based on a territory .. But e-commerce and digital multinationals are changing this natural order of taxation. Because the eco...
Mohammed Premier University of Oujda-Morocco & Nador Multidisciplinary Faculty & Observatory of the Marchica Lagoon of Nador and Limiting Regi...
Under the patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, May God glorify him, in collaboration with: The Regional Council of Oriental, The Dev...
2nd Scientific day of the PhD program in Applied Chemistry and Environment, which will take place on Thursday, February 28, in Amphitheatre G at 9:00...