
The 3rd International conference of GIS User

2016-11-22 2016-11-23



The study area concerns Saïss plain characterized by low topography that varies between 250 m and 600 m. Administratively Saïss plain dominates the region of Fez-Meknès. According to the administrative division of 2014, it has two wilayas (Fez and Meknès). Water resources management in Saiss region is governed by the complexity of multiple variables (Drinking water supply in urban and rural area, natural and artificial recharge, etc.). This complexity requires the development of a Geographic Information System for water resources management that integrates all the components and variables of the hydrological system of Saïss plain. This system is based on a multidisciplinary approach that encompasses the study of the natural environment (Geology, climatology, hydrology, land use, etc.). The system allows the management of water balance parameters (Precipitation, temperature, evapo-transpiration, etc.) and their spatial and temporal variability. It also manages query results into maps by calculating the balance components (resources-needs) throughout the Saiss region.

Keywords: Water resources, Groundwater Balance, GIS, Saiss Plain, Morocco.


GEOMATIC REPORT TO IDENTIFICATION OF THE IMPACT CLIMATE CHANGE IN THE COMOROS ISLANDS: a case study on the evaluation of sea level rise on Ngazidja Island

ABSTRACT: Despite the occurrence of recent lava flow throughout the island, Ngazidja has been able to retain vestiges of natural mangrove habitats, , 70% of which =have been identified by satellite image processing. The study is designed to provide comprehensive results on mangrove phytogeography and their ecological vulnerability to global change. A rise in sea level of up to 2 meters can be confirmed by: the presence of floating brown algae (g. Sargassum fluitans) on the trunks of species occuring in mangrove habitats; Xylocarpus moluccensis adapting to sea level changes by increasing production of flattened buttress roots in order to resist the effects of the sea level rise; the remains of mangrove communities having lost their Submerged tree species ; a coastal boundary displacement of up to 85 metres; increased erosion in the intertidal or littoral zone; and lastly mangrove tree species colonizing coastal habitats and replacing coastal forest species (g.Pemphis acidula and Guetarda speciosa) that die prematurely due to increased contact with sea water.
The cumulative effects of climate change, especially sea level rise, are expected to cause a significant decline of mangrove ecosystems and loss the associated ecological functions and ecosystem services. So it is essential that they are included in the Ecosystem Natural Capital Accounts (ENCC) in order highlight their importance to decision makers.

Keywords: Ngazidja Island; Mangroves, remote sensing, sea-level rise, Phytogeography, Comoros.

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