
Ecology and Culture : How can Ecology be Communicated through Culture?

2018-06-28 2018-06-30

The Guiding Question:

[How can Ecology be Communicated through Culture?]

Important Dates & Deadlines:

  • Abstract Submission Deadline: 31st December, 2017
  • Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: 20th January, 2018
  • Final Paper Submission Deadline: 01st May, 2018 (included). (The paper must have a sound methodology reflecting the features of real scientific research. It must be 10 up to 14 pages of A4 format using Times New Romans size 14 in text and size 10 in the margins.

Abstracts and completed research papers should be sent to the following email: [email protected]

Contact: (emails of people to be in touch with for FAQs):

Prof. Said Mentak

Contact information:

Prof. Said Mentak, Conference Convener

For more Details please download the PDF file

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