

2018-12-12 2018-12-13




12 th -13 th DECEMBER 2018

Multidisciplinary Faculty of Nador

Organized by :

« Amazigh Studies » branch, Laboratory: « Language, Speech and Transdisciplinarity » of the Multidisciplinary Faculty of Nador and  « Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad ».

Coordinator of the conference:

Professor: El Hossaien FARHAD, [email protected]

Scientific Committee:

Hassan BANHAKEIA, El Hossaien FARHAD, Najat ZERROUKI, Sanae YACHOU, Mouman CHICAR, Farid LAMRINI, Younes EZ-ZAOUINE, Azeddine ETTAHRI, Abdellah BOUSSOUF, Hassan CHAHBARI, Ali SADDIKI, Abu Adessalam EL IDRISSI, Abdel Hamid YOUYOU, Abellah AZEGGAGH

Steering committee

Hassan BANHAKEIA, El Hossaien FARHAD, Najat ZERROUKI, Sanae YACHOU, Younes EZ-ZAOUINE, Farid LAMRINI, Mouman CHICAR, Azeddine ETTAHRI, Abdellah BOUSSOUF, Hassan CHAHBARI, Ali SADDIKI, Abu Adessalam EL IDRISSI, Abdel Hamid YOUYOU, Abellah AZEGGAGH, Mohamed QALLA , Abdellah BEN ABDILLAH, Samira RAISS, Najib ALLALI, Mohamed El YOUSSFI.


May 15 th , 2018: Deadline for submission of proposals
June 15 th , 2018: Notification of acceptance or rejection
September 15 th , 2018: Presentation of the final texts of the communications.
12 th -13 th December 2018: the Conference.

Conference venue

Multidisciplinary Faculty of Nador, Mohamed Premier University, Morocco



In the Greater Maghreb, which has a varied linguistic landscape, the teaching and development of mother tongues is a public issue.

The mother tongue provides the means for each individual to affirm and develop their personality so that the
citizen becomes a useful element for society and an essential force in the service of the country.

It is for this reason that the mother tongue must occupy an essential place in school curricula. However, inextricable questions arise: how to design curricula of different levels for the teaching-learning of mother tongues? What are the distinctions between the didactics of a mother tongue and that of a foreign language? How to overcome the weaknesses of mother tongues characterized by orality, vernacularity and dialectality?

With regard to the development of mother tongues, often seen as minor languages ​​in the Maghreb countries, we can say that it suffers from the absence of a definite and clear strategy. In other words, did the stakeholders in this field establish, beforehand, an operationalization plan that would determine the stages of the program and the modalities of its implementation?

It should be noted that linguistic planning [1] presupposes medium and long- term planning to exploit the resources that are languages, including, of course, the language that one wants to establish as a common language of relations between citizens, and whose resources are not only exploited but often developed (such as French terminology in Quebec or administrative jargon in Catalan and Basque).

In addition, it is to distinguish « status planning » planning or development of the status of « corpus planning » planning or development of the corpus that constitute the two parts of the language planning.

The layout of the corpus is a change in the form or language itself by suggesting or imposing either the use of new technical terms, changes in spelling, or a new alphabet.

Whereas management is, essentially, the management of the functional distribution of languages.

The main aim of the colloquium will therefore be to examine the teaching-learning of languages, to identify new approaches to the teaching of mother tongues and to analyse bilingual education based on the mother tongue.

As for the second objective, it will be devoted to the development of mother tongues and the problems posed in adopting an appropriate approach and method and the implementation of this option, which makes mother tongues orality to scripturality.

Focus of the conference

  • Language teaching-learning and skills acquisition;
  • Didactics of mother tongues;
  • Official texts and the teaching of mother tongues;
  • multilingual education based on mother tongue;
  • The contribution of ICTs in language teaching;
  • Experiences of teaching and planning of mother tongues;
  • Translation and teaching of languages;
  • Improvement or standardization of mother tongues;
  • Approaches for language planning.
  • Terms of submission

Interested researchers must submit

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